As everyone, I suppose, I love the delicious scents and today I want to show you mine...
No tienen un orden en particular...There aren't in a particular order...
De Jafra
By Jafra
Casi se terminan =(
They're almost empty =(
Lo compré en un viaje a la Riviera Maya: No recuerdo la marca
I bought it in a trip to Riviera Maya: I don't remember the brand
Otro de Avon :(
Another by Avon :(
Con él me siento elegante ;)
With it I feel elegant ;)
Viva la Juicy!
¡I love it!
Lo amo!
Purr by Katy Perry
¡la botella es mi favorita!
The bottle is my favorite!
Very Irresistible by Givenchy
¡Lo use en mi boda!
I used it in my weadding!
Me lo regale en un cumple
I give it to me in my birthday
A present!
¡un regalo!
¡un regalo!
A gift!
Un regalo de navidad
A Christmas Gift
Otro regalo de navidad
Another Christmas Gift
Las compre cuando no sabía que REVLON experimentaba con animales =(
I bought them when I didn't know that REVLON taste on animales =(
I bought them when I didn't know that REVLON taste on animales =(
De Bath and Body Works: mis favoritas
By Bath and Body Works: my favorites
Japanese Cherry Blossom
By cyzone
Y aquí los guardo: donde no les de luz
And here I keep them: Where there aren't light
¿Cuál es tu perfume favorito?
What's your favorite perfume?
Gracias por ver ;)
Thanks for watching ;)