Today I write 3 questions because, you know, in the weekend I can't update this...
Y adivinen qué...¡estas son las ultimas 3 preguntas! ¿¿¿¿¿????? ¡ya se! el tag dice 50, pero de donde lo baje la chica decía que le quito 2 porque eran repetidas...
And guess what...they're the last 3 questions! ?????? I know! the tag says 50, but the place where I downloaded , the girl said that removed 2 because they were repeated.
Hasta parece que las conte (al rato, en otra entrada, digo porqué)
It seems that I count them (in a while, in another post, I say why)
Día 46.-Una idea de maquillaje de temporada
Ya comenzaron a salir en las revistas maquillajes para otoño, pero como ahorita esta el calor a todo lo que da como que no se me antoja comentar nada de ellos. Pues bueno, para estos calores, nada como un maquillaje ligerito, el típico maquillaje "sin maquillaje" esta perfecto para el día a día.
Day 46.-An idea of seasonal makeup
The makeup looks for fall, start appearing in the magazines, but now the heat is very strong and I don't have the desire tocomment anything about them. Well, for these heats, nothing like a light makeup, the typical makeup "no makeup" is perfect for everyday.
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This image was originally posted to Flickr by Charlie Brewer at It was reviewed on 00:17, 11 February 2008 (UTC) by the FlickreviewR robot and confirmed to be licensed under the terms of the cc-by-sa-2.0. |
Day 47.-Picture of you with and without makeup
Día 48.-Tip para las que van empezando con el maquillaje
Pues de hecho yo estoy empezando XD mas bien yo necesito tips jajaja,pero bueno, como siempre va a ver alguien que sepa más y menos que tú pues ahi va mi consejo: no teman experimentar, se van a equivocar, pero así se aprende, siganlo intentando hasta que todo salga como ustedes quieran. Siempre va a ver alguien a quien le guste y a quien no le guste su trabajo, preparate para recibir todo tipo de comentarios, no dejes que te afecte, pero toma lo mejor de cada uno para mejorar =).
Day 48.-tip to the girls that are begining with the makeup
Indeed, I'm beginning XD rather, I need tips hahaha, but ok, as always there's someone that know more and less than you, here is my advice: don't be afraid to experiment, you'll make mistakes, but you'll learn, still trying until everything is like you want. Always there's someone who doesn't like and do like your work, get ready to receive all kind of comments, don't worry about that, but take the best of every comment to improve. =)
No olvides visitar mi otro blog para leer sobre mis experiencias en la academia de belleza....
Don't forget to visit my other blog in order to read about my experiences in the beauty school...
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